Home Remedies for Hair Lice

Home Remedies for Hair Lice

Hair lice: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

The problem of hair lice is one of the major and common problems of hair and skin. The problem of hair lice is highly prevalent in children. The problem of hair lice majorly affects girls and women. The problem of hair lice is very ancient and the problem of head lice infests each person irrespective of their class and way of living. People more often try different chemical solutions to remove hair lice or head lice permanently, however, the usage of these chemical products over your hair and the head doesn’t remove hair lice properly but creates so many complications. Excessive itching and irritation on the scalp are the common symptoms of the presence of hair lice. Infestation of hair lice can be stopped using a few simple tips and home remedies. The problem of hair lice mostly occurs those people who come in direct contact or uses personal items like hairbrushes, cap, scarves etc. The proper removal of each hair lice and nits is very important as the presence of any two hair lice or nits can regenerate the infestation.


What are hair lice?

Hair lice are insects that mainly affect the head of the body. Head lice spent their entire life in the human head, hair lice consume the blood of the human body through the hair follicles. The problem of hair lice mainly occurs the humans. The presence of hair lice or head lice on the head creates many problems like itching and irritation. Hair lice spread through the physical content of the affected person. The physical contact occurs due to the various personal things like a comb. Pillow, cap etc. The hair lice cannot survive so long outside the head, the hair lice live around 30 days on the scalp by consuming human blood, although if the hair lice fall down from the scalp and body, then the hair lice wouldn’t be able to survive for more than two days. The proper removal of these hair lice is a must as it has been seen over the years, the problem of hair lice is a recurring problem.


What are the symptoms of hair lice?

A person affected with hair lice may suffer the symptoms stated below-

•          Excessive itching on the scalp

•          Head irritation

•          Sort of bleeding from the follicles

•          A feeling of slight movement on the scalp

•          Visibility of lice egg or nits over the hair

•          Sores on the shoulders, scalp and neck

•          Visibility of hair lice


What causes head lice or hair lice?

The head lice or hair lice mainly occur due to the direct transmission from one man to another. Head-to-head contact and touch are the major cause of head lice. Head lice or hair lice are the common wingless insects that occur through the transmission by direct contact to the person or using personal items of the person like comb, pillow, hair brush, cap, scarves etc. Hair lice are parasitic insects that live a maximum of around 30 days on the human body. If the hair goes out from the body, they hardly manage to survive more than two days. Unhygienic and hygienic are both categories of people who can go through the problem of hair lice. The usage of ayurvedic home remedies can solve the problem of hair lice naturally. Two major causes of head lice or hair lice are-

•          Head-to-head transmission by touching

•          Using the personal things of an infected person


What are the complications of hair lice?

The complications associated with hair lice are stated below-

•          Sleeping problem

•          Excessive itching

•          Psychological problems

•          Irritation

•          Anxiety and stress


Dos and don’ts for hair lice treatment

Follow the tips stated below to cure hair lice at home-

•          Regularly take a bath and keep yourself clean to prevent yourself from hair lice

•          Use your personal items for your body makeup

•          Avoid the physical contact with the infested person

•          Avoid using the personal items of the infested person

•          Wash the clothes with the warm water

•          Oil your head regularly or alternatively to reduce the chances of getting problem of hair lice

•          Hair conditioning every two or three days helps to wash out lice eggs or nits

•          Comb your hair with the hair lice removing the comb

•          Massage the infested area with olive oil

•          Do not rover around the dirt and dust


Home remedies for hair lice

Follow the home remedies stated below to treat hair lice at home-


Home remedy for hair lice

Ingredients: Almonds and lemon sap

Step 1: Take around 10 almonds and peel them. Crush them properly to get a fine coarse powder.

Step 2: Take around 4 tablespoons of lemon sap and mix it gently with crushed almonds.

Instructions: After mixing both the ingredients properly, apply the concluded paste to your infected part of the body, after applying it properly, leave it for 20 minutes to 30 minutes, and then wash it off with normal water. The mixture of these two powerful ingredients makes the remedy potent and effective, the acidic property of lemon removes the hair lice from the body. This home remedy is one of the effective and powerful home remedies for hair lice. Follow this home remedy for hair lice till you get relief from the hair lice problem.


Home remedy for hair lice

Ingredients: Onion

Step 1: Take one or two onions, peel them and crush them to get a fine paste.

Step 2: Place the onion paste on the sieve and strain the juice into a bowl.

Instructions: Apply this strained onion juice to your infested skin properly and massage the area with gentle hands, massaging leave it as it is for at least one hour and then wash it off with normal water. Onion contains a high medicinal solution for hair and as well as for skin, the application of onion sap to the infested skin clears all the hair lice including nits. This home remedy for hair lice is one of the effective home remedies for hair lice. Follow this home remedy for hair lice at least for a week.


Home remedy for hair lice

Ingredients: Vinegar and water

Step 1: Take around 3 to 4 spoons of vinegar with one glass of water.

Step 2: Mix both the ingredients properly to get a fine mixture.

Instructions: Apply this paste gently to your infested area of the body, and leave it overnight. Wash your infested part in the morning with normal water. Use a lice-remover comb after that and extract out all the dead hair lice and nits. Follow this home remedy for hair lice regularly for at least one week to get the complete solution to this hair lice problem. Vinegar is a well-known lice remover, application of this removes hair lice and nits from the body. 


Home remedy for hair lice

Ingredients: Lemon sap and garlic

Step 1: Take a few cloves of garlic and make a fine paste of them.

Step 2: Take an equal amount of lemon sap and mix both the ingredients properly.

Instructions: Apply this paste to your infected skin to get relief from the unwanted parasitic insects like hair lice. Keep it applied for 20 minutes to 30 minutes then wash it off with normal water. Ayurvedic or homemade shampoo can be used to wash the hair. The mixture of garlic and lemon sap is a potent and effective homemade medicine to remove hair lice and nits from the body. This home remedy for hair lice is one of the effective home remedies for hair lice, follow this home remedy regularly for a week.


Home remedy for hair lice

Ingredients: Olive oil

Instructions: Massage the infested part of the body with olive oil. Olive oil is one of the best hair lice or nits removal. Apply olive oil to your skin regularly.


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