Healthy Sleep: Advantages and Home Remedies

Healthy Sleep: Advantages and Home Remedies

Good sleep or deep sleep is very important for a healthy body, sleeping problem harms the good sleeping pattern and creates sleeping disorder, the sleeping disorder problem occurs due to various reasons including poor sleeping patterns, excessive usage of the phone till late at night, late-night sleeping etc. Bad sleeping habit encourages various diseases like high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, heart-related diseases etc. Good sleeping duration varies between the different age groups, people with older age needs a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and babies need a minimum of 13 hours of sleep. Lack of sleeping duration produces various side effects in the body. Bad sleeping habit is drastically increasing among the youths, high usage of mobile phones is one of the main causes of sleeplessness. 

What is good sleep?

7 to 8 hours of daily sleep is considered a good sleep-in for adults. Good quality of sleep makes us best of ourselves. Good quality of sleep improves memory, learning, creativity, and mood. Healthy sleep strengthens the immune system and keeps us away from severe diseases related to the heart, liver, and kidney. Sleeping duration in a day vary man to man, in babies sleeping hours should be between 10 to 13 hours a day. A healthy sleep keeps people fresh and more work efficient. People who do not sleep properly live in frustration and do not work efficiently. 


What causes bad sleep?

There are a few major causes of bad sleep mentioned below-

  • Poor sleeping pattern
  • Sleep late at night
  • Night working job
  • Late-night using of phone
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Smoking habit
  • Physical issues like injuries
  • Underlying painful diseases 
  • Uncomfortable bed 


Why sleep is important?

A good sleep of a minimum of 7 to 8 hours a day for an adult is very important for the health of the body. A person who does not sleep properly 8 hours a day may suffer the complications mentioned below- 

  • Insomnia 
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart-related diseases
  • Stroke 
  • Obesity 


Tips for good sleep

Follow the tips cited below to get good sleep-

  • Follow the same sleeping routine for each day.
  • Exercise every day for half-hour to one hour daily.
  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol 
  • Make the sleeping room dark, switch off the lights and minimize the noise.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking before going to bed
  • Avoid the consumption of coffee and tea at nights
  • Drink chamomile tea instead of coffee and normal tea
  • Adequate eating of white rice also increases the sleeping hormone. 
  • Take a warm shower 2 hours before going to bed
  • Massage your feet’s bottom
  • Read the book instead of using the phone
  • Reduce the daytime nap
  • Don’t eat late at night
  • Live stress-free
  • Increase your physical activity 

Home remedies for good sleep

Follow the home remedies for good sleep mentioned below- 

Home remedy for good sleep

Ingredients: Banana, cinnamon powder, cardamom, and water

Step 1: Take a small size of a banana, cut the top and bottom root of it. 

Step 2: Take 2 glasses of water, add half a spoon of cinnamon powder, banana, and one crushed cardamom in it.

Step 3: Boil the mixture till it turns half of its initial quantity. Strain the liquid in the glass and keep the boiled banana out on the plate. 

Instructions: Drink this warm liquid regularly one hour before sleep and eat a boiled banana along with its peels. This home remedy for good sleep keeps muscle and brain relaxed. Follow this home remedy for good sleep.


Home remedy for good sleep

Ingredients: Cow ghee

Step 1: Take a few spoons of ghee and melt it.

Step 2: Drop 4 drops of melted ghee in each nostril of the nose.

Step 3: Inhale it slightly to the inside.

Instructions: Try this home remedy just before you sleep. This home remedy is one of the best effective home remedies for deep sleep.


Home remedy for good sleep

Ingredients: Garlic, onion, and water

Step 1: Take the peels of garlic and onion, boil them in a pan using one glass of water.

Step 2: Boil the peels for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain them in the glass.

Instructions: Drink this solution regularly before going to bed. This home remedy for sleep is one of the most test home remedies for good sleep.


Home remedy for good sleep

Ingredients: Milk and honey

Step 1: Take a glass of warm milk and add one tablespoon of honey to it.

Step 2: Stir it well and drink it.

Instructions: Drink this honey mixed milk regularly 1 hour before sleep. This home remedy for good sleep is one of the most tested home remedies for deep sleep.


Home remedy for good sleep

Ingredients: Mint, honey, and water

Step 1: Take a few leaves of mint, wash them cleanly and mix them in a glass of water.

Step 2: Boil the water in a light flame using a pan.

Step 3: Strain the liquid in the glass and mix one tablespoon of honey in it.

Instructions: Drink this mixture regularly before going to bed. Mint contains menthol that relaxes the entire body. This home remedy for good sleep is one of the most tested home remedies for deep sleep.


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