Heart Blockage: Symptoms, Causes, Complications & Home Remedies

Heart Blockage

The heart is the muscular organ, which pumps blood to the entire part of the body. The heart circulates blood containing nutrients and oxygen to each organ of the body. The heart is the busiest organ of the body and any negligence towards heartcare can lead us to severe diseases. According to the report of the world health organization, 272 Indians out of 10,000 Indians dies every year because of heart disease or cardiovascular disease. Every year India loses 3 million people only because of stroke and heart attack, and 40% of them are below the age of 55 years. The deaths because of heart problems are increasing every year drastically. India solely registers more than 5.5 crore cardiovascular cases every year, and we lose 1 patient per 4 patients. This is the major cause of concern. Strokes and heart attacks are caused by heart blockage.

What is Heart Blockage?

Heart blockage is the stage when the veins or arteries of the heart blocks the blood partially or completely. This situation causes severe dangerous effects and it didn’t allow blood to circulate properly. Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle with the required oxygen and nutrients. When plaque in our arteries increases the way of blood supply gets narrow and the pumped blood doesn’t reach the heart muscle properly. The hurdle due to plaques gradually decreases the blood circulation in the heart, and eventually, the plaques get thicker and stop blood to flow to the heart muscle, the blockage of the blood in the arteries is called heart blockage. The heart muscle that does not get blood supplies because of the blockage starts dying.

Types of Heart Blockage

There are three types of heart blockage-

  1. First-Degree heart blockage

In this degree of heart blockage, blood circulates to the heart muscle but slower than its natural speed

  1. Second-Degree heart blockage

This category of heart blockage is divided into two parts- 

Type 1: In this type of heart blockage, blood flow to the heart muscle gets very slow. 

Type 2: In this category, almost all the blood cells circulate in the heart muscle, but some cells are stuck at the blockage.

  1. Third-Degree heart blockage

Third-Degree Heart blockage stops the complete blood circulation to the heart muscle, this category of heart blockage severely affects the circulation of the blood to the entire part of the body.

What are the symptoms of heart blockage?

These are the few heart blockage symptoms or blocked artery symptoms-

  • Pain in the chest
  • Dizziness and unconsciousness
  • Tiredness 
  • Shortness in breathing 
  • Palpitation in heart
  • Frequent rapid breathing
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Cold sweat
  • Mild attacks
  • Frequent pungent pain
  • Discomfort in heart and chest
  • Irregularities in heartbeats

 What are the causes of Heart Blockage?

  • Smoking habit
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol levels in the body
  • Obesity & overweight 
  • Increasing age
  • Genetic 
  • High stress
  • Bad appetite 
  • Physical inactivity 
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Autoimmune diseases

What are the complications of heart blockage?

Heart blockage or artery blockage can create many problems and can lead us to-

  • Angina
  • Heart attack 
  • Heart stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Arrhythmia
  • Stroke
  • Cardiac arrest

How to prevent the heart from heart blockage?

  • Stop smoking
  • Exercise daily
  • Maintain healthy weight 
  • Live happily
  • Control the diabetes
  • Control high blood pressure and high cholesterol 
  • Eat healthy food
  • Drink  the hot drink


Top 5 best home remedies for the heart blockage treatment-

First Remedy to cure heart blockage-

Ingredients- ½ cup Garlic juice, ½ cup Ginger juice, ½ cup Lemon juice, ½ cup Apple cider vinegar, and ½ cup honey.

Step 1: clear the garlic peels and ginger peels cleanly and boil them on a low flame separately with less water, after boiling it, strain them to get the juice.

Step 2: Keep honeySam aside and mix all 4 ingredients properly.

Step 3: Boil the mixed ingredient till it becomes 1/3rd of its initial quantity.

Step 4: Cool the boiled mixture and mix honey properly and gently. (The colour of the last mixture will be whitish-yellow)

Instruction to take it- Take 1 spoon of this liquid regularly in the morning on the empty stomach.

Second Remedy to prevent heart blockage-

Ingredients- 1 Clove Garlic, 1 Apple, 1 Spoon Olive Oil, 1-inch Piece of Turmeric, 2 Snap Black Pepper, 2 Snap Red chilly (Cayenne pepper), ½ Cup Water, and Sap of ½ Lemon.

Step 1- Blend all these ingredients together with water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 2- Drink this liquid daily for a week and then alternatively after 2 days.

Third Remedy to decrease the heart blockage-

Ingredients- Ginger, Garlic, and Lemon

Step 1: Smash the ginger and garlic properly.

Step 2: Boil the smashed ingredients in water, and then strain it.

Step 3: Squeeze the lemon sap into the liquid.

Instruction: Drink this concoction liquid any time in the evening, this helps the flow of the blood.

Fourth Remedy to reduce the heart blockage-

Ingredients- Banana, Cranberry or (Strawberry, blackberry, blueberry and other berries can also be taken), Yogurt, Almonds, and orange.

Step 1: Take an equal quantity of cranberry, yoghurt, and almonds. Take one apple and one banana.

Step 2: Blend all these 5 ingredients into the blender.

Step 3: Drink this concoction regularly.

Fifth Remedy to decrease the heart blockage-

Instruction- Drink the juice of the bottle gourd regularly. A person can have the soup of bottle gourd in winters to decrease the heart blockage.


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