Migraine: Types, Causes, Tips, and Home Remedies

Migraine: Types, Causes, Tips, and Home Remedies


Migraine, a headache disorder, affects the lives of millions of people around the world. According to the estimation of the world health organization, globally the occurrence of headache disorder among adults is more than 50%. Migraine is the third most ubiquitous disease of the world, more than 1 billion (100 crores) people in the world are living with migraine. India solely registers more than 10 million (1 crore) cases of migraine every year. High prevalence of migraine among youth have been noticed for a few years. Most of the people in the world do not take appropriate treatment for headaches and underestimate the seriousness of headaches, many of them are unaware that they have migraine. Allopathy and Ayurveda both treat migraine differently, allopathy treats migraine with several medications but it doesn’t cure migraine permanently, whereas, on another side, it has been seen that Ayurveda cured migraine disorder of many people by bringing some lifestyle changes.


What is a migraine?

A severe headache that mainly affects one side of the head is a headache disorder, commonly known as migraine. Migraine mainly occurs due to the high exposure to light and sound. High emotional stress can also be the cause of migraine. Migraine headaches directly impact the nervous system of our body. People with migraine headaches may feel pinging, nausea, and visual problems while having a migraine attack. The categorization of migraine is divided into 2 parts that are classical migraine and common migraine, these two categories of migraine contain many subcategories or types.


The major types of migraine include-


  1. Migraine with aura

Migraine with aura begins with initial symptoms of vision problems, before the half to one hour of migraine headache, vision problem including flashy waves, floaters, wavy lines, short blindness or complete temporary blindness occurs to humans. Migraine creates vision problems in both eyes before the headache.


  1. Migraine without aura

Migraine without aura is also known as common migraine, it begins with severe to moderate headaches and mainly occurs due to our routine activity.


  1. Abdominal migraine

Abdominal migraine is majorly prevalent among children between the age of 5 to 9 years, but abdominal migraine can also affect adults. Headache doesn’t arise in this category of migraine. The common symptoms of abdominal migraine are nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, and puking.


  1. Retinal migraine 

Retinal migraine predominantly occurs in people between the age of 20 years to 30 years. Around a half-hour before of retinal migraine headache, people experience vision problem in one eye that includes scintillations, floaters, flashy waves, spot blindness, and complete temporary blindness. Identifying the triggers of retinal migraine and changing the lifestyle patterns can help cure retinal migraine.


  1. Migraine with brainstem aura

Mumbled speech, numbness, vertigoes, pinging, and unsteadiness gradually begins before the migraine headache. Migraine with brainstem aura mostly affects adolescent (10-19 years) girls.


  1. Chronic migraine

When the migraine attacks half a month reluctantly for 3 months, this category of migraine is called chronic migraine.


What are the symptoms of migraine?

Symptoms and signs of migraine are-

  • Pain in eyes, neck, and face
  • Severe headache
  • Light sensitivity 
  • Flashes and floater in eyes 
  • Temporary blurred vision or temporary blindness 
  • Noise or sound sensitivity 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Slurring speech
  • Unbearable headache at one side
  • Pulsating sensation 
  • Tingling on shoulder, face, and leg


What are the causes of Migraine?

The causes of migraine are mentioned below-

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine (Coffee)
  • High work or home stress
  • The high volume of sound
  • Exposure to bright and flashy light
  • High usage of mobile phones and watching TV for a long time.
  • The pungent strong smell of perfume, paints, and petrol
  • Habit of smoking
  • No sleeping patterns
  • Atmospheric changes
  • Over sexual activity 
  • Consumption of processed and cheesy food
  • Other medications
  • Changes in hormone due to the menstrual cycle causes migraines in females.


What are the complications of Migraine?

  • Chronic migraine
  • Stroke
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Abdominal problems
  • Unbearable headaches


Dos and Don’ts for migraine

  • Find out the triggers of migraine and stop them
  • Stop consuming tobacco and quit smoking 
  • Sleep in the dark and silent room
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water regularly
  • Keep yourself aside from the high exposure of bright and flashy light
  • Stay away from the noise and high sound
  • Maintain sleeping routine
  • Decrease the physical exertion
  • Limit the sexual activity 
  • Don’t drink too much caffeine 
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Wear the specs that control light
  • Wear sound regulator ear safety
  • Cover your eye with a blindfold while sleeping if complete darkening is not possible
  • Limit the usage of mobile phones and TV


What are the home remedies for migraine?

Follow these home remedies for migraine headache for the migraine treatment at home and get migraine relief at home-


First home remedy for migraine

Ingredients: ¼ cup of beetroot juice, ¼ cup of cucumber juice, and ½ cup of carrot juice

Instruction: Mix all these ingredients and drink this mixture to get relief from migraine headaches.


Second-home remedy for migraine

Ingredients: ½ glass spinach juice and ½ glass of carrot juice 

Instruction: Mix both the juices properly and drink this juice mixture daily to cure migraine.


Third home remedy for migraine

Ingredients: Few neem leaves, pinch of turmeric powder, 2 amla balls, small grated pieces of ginger, and a glass of water.

Instruction: Mix all the ingredients properly into the water and boil it. Drink a warm mixture to get instant relief from migraine.


Fourth home remedy for migraine

Ingredients: Lavender oil and sesame oil

Instruction: Massage your forehead and temple with the oil.


Fifth home remedy for migraine

Ingredients: cabbage and lemon

Instruction: Chop the cabbage properly and apply it directly to the forehead. Take the lemon rind and directly apply it to the forehead, this remedy reduces the ache of the head.


5 Tips for instant migraine relief

  • Drink hot chamomile tea regularly
  • Stay in dark and silence
  • Eat magnesium-rich food such as green leafy vegetables, almonds, sunflower seeds, bananas, oats, and drink coconut water.
  • Put an icepack on your forehead and the neck while headache.
  • Drink warm ginger and clove tea for frequent relief from migraine



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Cure Migraine Without Any Medicine