Home Remedies for Skin Whitening

Home Remedies for Skin Whitening

Skin whitening: Overview

Many people across the world face the problem of unnaturally tanned skin and many of them do not even know the real texture of their skin. There are millions of people across the globe who want flawless and best glowing skin. There are a few ayurvedic tips and natural home remedies that can give us the natural and best complexion of our skin. Our natural complexion of skin gets hidden due to the pollution, sunlight, heat, bad eating, bacteria etc. The tips and home remedies for skin whitening that are cited in the below paragraphs have the potential to extract the unnatural layers of the pollution, dirt, bacteria and tanning of sunlight. The home remedies for skin whitening which are written below give the skin its natural complexion and texture.

Skin colour is the blessing of God, and everyone should accept the texture of their skin and colour. Our skin produces a substance named melanin, melanin gives colour to our skin and hair. Every person’s skin contains a melanin substance in their body. There are mainly 3 types of melanin eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin. The production of these substances in our body decides the complexion of our colour, the production of these types of melanin is completely natural. However, a few things around us can flare up the production of melanin, due to which our skin texture and complexion turn darker than usual. The main triggers for the unnatural dark complexion are excessive exposure to the sun, pollution, bacteria, poor appetite and lifestyle.


Skin whitening tips for glowing skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and skin prevents our inner body from various harmful substances including pollution, bacteria, infections etc. There are a few skin whitening tips for glowing skin that helps our skin to rejuvenate, the tips are-

  • Take proper sleep. Our entire body including skin, repairs and heals itself at the night. So proper sleep of a minimum of 7 to 8 hours is a must.

  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink an ample amount of water regularly, at least 10 to 12 glasses of water are a must drink on a regular basis. Drinking enough amount of water carries out many toxins from the body through urine and sweat. Water keeps our skin moisturized and prevents it from dryness. 

  • Moisturize your skin daily. Moisturizing your skin daily with milk froth or any chemical-free moisturizer glows your skin and soothes it with softness and saves the skin from dryness and keeps the skin tone intact. 

  • Prevent your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Apply sunscreen and cover your skin properly while going outside in any weather. High exposure to the sun is one of the main obstacles to the whitening of the skin.

  • Massage your skin and face often with olive oil or chemical-free natural oil or cream. Massaging the skin rejuvenates the skin and increases blood circulation. Skin massage is very important for glowing skin and for the whitening of the skin.

  • Take a steam bath or face steam twice or thrice a week. Taking a steam bath or face steam is the best method of cleaning the skin. Our body and skin drain the toxins inside through the sweat. Sweat comes out through the pores (tiny holes in skin through which sweat passes). Steam bath or taking face steam opens the pores of the skin and helps the body and skin to get toxin-free. A steam bath is very important for the whitening of the skin.

  • Spray the cold rose water over your face and skin. The spritz of cold rose water refreshes the skin and helps brighten the skin. Rosewater prevents skin from the effect of harsh heat and redness. Rosewater is distilled water and it helps in the whitening of the skin.

  • Drink cucumber juice regularly, it helps in moisturizing the body and cucumber is a fibre-rich product, consumption of cucumber increases the fibre in the body.

  • Apply coconut milk to your face and skin, the application of coconut milk to the skin helps in the removal of sun tanning.

  • Make a paste of gram flour and apply it over your skin. This natural face pack glows the skin and clears the effect of pollution from the skin and then wipe it off with the help of warm wet cloth after 20 to 30 minutes.


Home remedies for skin whitening

Follow the home remedies mentioned below to cure the problem of skin whitening at home-


Home remedy for skin whitening in 3 days

Ingredients: Olive oil and honey

Step 1: Take around two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey.

Step 2: Mix both the ingredients properly to get the fine mixture for the massage.

Instructions: Massage your face and skin properly with this mixture of olive oil and honey and keep it for a while and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Massage of the face and skin improves the circulation of the blood and oxygenates the skin. Use this home remedy for skin whitening regularly in the evening.


Home remedy for skin whitening in 3 days

Ingredients: Coconut oil and rice powder

Step 1: Take two tablespoons of rice powder and properly mix it with a few tablespoons of coconut oil to get a fine paste.

Step 2: Take a spoon and properly mix both the ingredients to get the best exfoliator.

Instructions: Apply this natural ayurvedic exfoliator over your face and neck, and let it remain for 20 minutes to 30 minutes then wipe it off with lukewarm water. This natural exfoliator nourishes the skin and clears all the stuck dirt particles from the skin. This home remedy is one of the effective home remedies for skin whitening. This home remedy for skin whitening helps to remove sun tanning just in a few days with all the pure and natural ingredients.


Home remedy for skin whitening in 3 days

Ingredients: Ripe banana and honey

Step 1: Take a ripe banana, peel it and mash it with your hands in a bowl.

Step 2: Take around two tablespoons of mashed banana and properly mix it with one tablespoon of pure honey.

Instructions: After mixing both the ingredients properly, apply this paste to your face and neck, use this paste as a face mask. Wash your face and neck with lukewarm water after waiting 20 to 30 minutes. This home remedy for skin whitening improves the complexion of the skin.


Home remedy for skin whitening in 3 days

Ingredients: Turmeric and aloe vera

Step 1: Take a leave of aloe vera, peel it and extract the gel from it with the help of a spoon. Collect the gel into a bowl.

Step 2: Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel with one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Mix both the ingredients properly to get a perfect paste.

Instructions: Apply this paste over your skin and keep it applied for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash it off with normal water. Repeat this process at least twice or thrice a week to get the best results through it. This home remedy for the whitening of skin gives freshness to the skin and rejuvenates the skin.


Home remedy for skin whitening in 3 days

Ingredients: liquorice, tomato and turmeric powder

Step 1: Take two tablespoons of liquorice with one tablespoon of turmeric powder.

Step 2: Blend a tomato using a traditional blender, and collect it in a bowl.

Step 3: Mix a few amounts of tomato paste with the liquorice powder and turmeric powder. Stir the mixture properly to get the fine paste.

Instructions: Apply this paste gently to your skin and wait for 20 minutes to 30 minutes, after waiting wash your skin with the normal water. This home remedy for skin whitening helps to open the pores and it helps in the cleaning of the skin.


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