Wrinkles: Causes & Natural Remedies

Wrinkles: Causes & Natural Remedies

Wrinkles: Causes & Home Remedies

Wrinkles is one of the most common problems that increasing among youths. Wrinkles are common among older people, but wrinkles that grow at a younger age become the cause of concern. Wrinkles at younger age occur due to many causes including regular facial expressions like the way of smiling or laughing, the habit of pushing eyebrows up, exposure to the sunlight for a long time, living in a bad weather condition, and habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. Dehydration and a certain kind of sickness also play a major role to generate wrinkles on the face. These causes can be treated with the home remedies that are stated below.


What are the wrinkles?

Creases and lines on the skin due to different-different reasons are wrinkles. Rising age is the most common cause of the occurrence of wrinkles. Sometimes wrinkles get generated earlier than their usual time. Wrinkle mostly occurs around the eyes, neck, and mouth. It is common to get wrinkles at an older age, but some people get wrinkles before they get older. The presence of wrinkles at a younger age makes a person less attractive. A person having wrinkles looks older than their actual age.


What causes wrinkles?

These are a few major causes of wrinkles mentioned below-

  • Increasing age
  • High exposure to sunlight
  • Smoking habit
  • Facial expressions 
  • Unhealthy sleeping pattern
  • Dehydration due to lack consumption of water and other liquids
  • Bad environmental conditions
  • Genetics
  • Medication of certain diseases
  • Dryness in skin
  • High consumption of alcohol


Dos and don’ts for wrinkles

  • Reduce the exposure to the sunlight
  • Take a proper sleep
  • Moisturise your skin with natural moisturizers like papaya paste or banana paste
  • Drink ample amount of water
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Consume Vitamin-E rich food including sunflower seed and almonds
  • Tratak kriya helps to reduce wrinkle around the eyes
  • Mouth exercise: Take a gulp of water and swing and rotate it all around in the mouth. This relaxes the muscles and keeps them activated.
  • Consume Vitamin-C rich food including oranges and lemon
  • Wear sunscreens while going outside in the sunlight
  • Consumption of Papaya helps skin to nourish 


Home remedies for wrinkles

Follow the home remedies for wrinkles mentioned below to treat your wrinkles naturally-


First home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Multani mitti and Rosewater

Step 1: Take around 4 spoons of Multani mitti in a bowl.

Step 2:  Mix a few spoons of rose water into it to make a fine paste or face pack.

Instructions:  Apply it all around the face, use it as a face pack, wait till the face pack turn dry and then wash it up with cold water. This home remedy for wrinkles is one of the best home remedies for wrinkles that shows results in first use.


Second home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Fresh cream of milk and lemon sap

Step 1: Take a few spoons of milk cream and mix a few spoons of lemon sap.

Step 2: Stir the sap well to make a fine paste

Instructions: Apply this oily paste on your skin and wait for 20-25 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. This home remedy for wrinkles is one of the best effective home remedies for wrinkles.


Third home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Coconut oil and turmeric powder

Step 1: Take 3 spoons of coconut oil, mix it with 1 spoon of turmeric powder

Step 2: Stir it well and make a fine paste

Instructions: Apply this paste on your skin or face and rub it with light hands, wait for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. This home remedy for wrinkles is one of the most used home remedies for wrinkles.


Fourth home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Avocado, fresh cream of milk, flaxseed, and honey

Step 1: Take half of an avocado and make a good paste of it.

Step 2:  Take 2 spoons of fresh milk cream along with 2 spoons of flaxseed, and a spoon of honey.

Step 3: Mix all these ingredients to make a fine paste or face pack.

Instructions: Apply this paste on the face and wait for 1 hour. Rinse your face with cold water. This home remedy for wrinkles is one of the best home remedies for wrinkles that fills the pores and glorifies the skin.


Fifth home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Avocado 

Step 1: Make a paste of fresh avocado and collect it into the bowl.

Instructions: Apply this paste of avocado directly on the skin. This home remedy for wrinkles fills the skin with important vitamins.


Sixth home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Papaya and banana 

Step 1: Take 1/6th part of papaya, peel it off and make a paste of it.

Step 2: Take one banana, peel it and make a paste of it.

Step 3: Mix both the pastes properly to make a fine paste.

Instructions: Apply this paste on your face and make a layer of this fruit paste on it. Let the paste remain on the face for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. This home remedy for wrinkles cleans the skin and nourishes the face.


Seventh home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Egg

Step 1: Take one egg, break it and collect the white egg in a bowl.

Instructions: Apply this egg white on your skin and wait till it turns dry. Follow this home remedy for wrinkles to remove wrinkles from the face and try this home remedy for better nourishment of the skin.


Eighth home remedy for wrinkles 

Ingredients: Olive oil/Aragon oil

Instructions: Take one of these oils and massage your face and wrinkles using it.


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