Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Yeast infection: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies


Yeast infection is also known as thrush; yeast are the microorganisms present in the body. Yeast infection occurs when the level of yeast increases in our body. Yeast infection primarily affects the underarms, area between toes, and genital area. This infection affects both men and women. However, this infection mostly affects the women. This infection mostly affects the vaginal area of the women. Itching and burning are the common symptoms of yeast infection. A woman affected by yeast infection may feel a burning sensation while urinating. Picking or scratching the infected area may aggravate the infection.


What is a yeast infection?

Yeast infection is a kind of fungal infection, that occurs due to the overgrowth of candida Albicans yeast, itching, burning sensation especially while urinating, light swelling with time etc. This infection mostly occurs in the moist parts of the body like genital areas, underarms etc. Yeast infection can be cured with a few simple tips and home remedies. Untreated yeast infections can lead us to severe skin related infections. 


What are the symptoms of yeast infection?

A person affected with a yeast infection may suffer the symptoms stated below-

  • Burning sensation 
  • Itching 
  • Discomfort during the time sex
  • Burning sensation while urinating 
  • Redness on the infected skin


What causes a yeast infection?

The major causes of yeast infection are mentioned below-

  • Pregnancy 
  • Menstruation 
  • Diabetes
  • Birth control pills 
  • Weak immune system
  • Unhygienic 
  • Hormonal imbalances 
  • Sex with an infected person


What are the complications of yeast infection?

The complications associated with yeast infection are stated below-


Dos and don’ts for yeast infection treatment

Follow the tips stated below to cure a yeast infection at home-

  • Massage the infected area with coconut oil or cinnamon oil twice a day
  • Avoid scratching the infected area 
  • Start consuming probiotics like yoghurt in your regular diet 
  • Eat healthy food
  • Drink green tea regularly 
  • Avoid using scented products like soap and shampoos in the infected area 
  • Maintain hygiene and cleanliness 
  • Wear clean clothes 
  • Change your undergarments regularly
  • Take a bath on a regular basis 
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes 


Home remedies for yeast infection 

Follow the home remedies stated below to treat yeast infection at home-


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Aloe vera 

Step 1: Take a leave of aloe vera and peel it. Extract the gel using a spoon in a bowl. 

Instructions: Apply this gel to the infected area and leave it as it is for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash it off with normal water. Follow this home remedy for yeast infection regularly. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Cotton buds and curd

Step 1: Soak the cotton buds into the bowl of curd for two minutes. 

Instructions: Apply these soaked cotton buds to the infected area for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash them off with normal water. Follow this home remedy for yeast infection regularly twice a day. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Garlic 

Step 1: Take a few cloves of garlic, peel them and crush them to make a fine paste. 

Instructions: Apply this paste over the infected skin for 20 to 30 minutes then wash it with normal water. This home remedy for yeast infection kills the infection-causing bacteria. Follow this home remedy regularly two times a day. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Cinnamon and yoghurt

Step 1: Take a few pieces of cinnamon and crush them to make a fine powder. 

Step 2: Mix the right amount of yoghurt with cinnamon powder to make a fine paste, 

Instructions: Apply this paste to the infection area and wait for 30 minutes then wash it with normal water. Follow this home remedy for yeast infection twice a day. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Apple cider vinegar and water

Step 1: Take a glass of water and mix one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into it. 

Instructions: Take a cotton bud to soak the mixture into it and slowly apply this mixture to the affected area of the skin. This home remedy is one of the effective home remedies for yeast infection or fungal infection. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Aloe vera and fruit juice

Step 1: Take a few leaves of aloe vera, peel them and extract the gel from them into the bowl. 

Step 2: Blend the gel with any fruit juice to make a fine juice of it. 

Instructions: Drink this aloe vera juice regularly once a day. Follow this home remedy for yeast infection till you get complete relief from the yeast infection. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Green tea bags and water 

Step 1: Take a cup of hot water and dip a green tea bag into it for 2 to 3 minutes. 

Step 2: Take out a soaked green tea and wait till the teabag turns comfortably warm. 

Instructions: Apply this tea bag over the infected area for a few minutes. Follow this home remedy for yeast infection regularly once a day. 


Home remedy for yeast infection

Ingredients: Oregano, buds of cotton and water

Step 1: Take a few spoons of oregano, put them into a vessel of water and start boiling it properly. 

Step 2: After boiling it pour the water into a bowl and let it cool.

Instructions: Apply this mixture over your infected skin with the help of cotton buds, keep the liquid on the infected area for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water. This home remedy is potent and effective remedy for yeast infection, follow this home remedy for yeast infection twice a day.

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